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On Saturday 8 June, the Academy is playing host to Julien Brulard (a.k.a. Julien the Judo Nomad), who is travelling around the world from his native France in a quest to practice Judo in every country where Judo can be found. At present he has been travelling for around three years and has been to forty countries.

He will be resident in Wellington from 1 June to 10 June, and will be visiting a few of the Wellington Area Clubs in that time, though we are trying to make the best of his time here by holding this seminar before he heads South.

The days will start at 0930 and run until 1600.
On Saturday there will be a decent break from 1115-1400 while we run a kids session from 1200-1330 – please encourage your Juniors to come along.

If you can’t make the whole day, please do come in at some time when you can. It is unlikely Julien will be back in town any time soon, so we should make the most of this opportunity.

Please contact us on if there is anything you would like to know.